Thursday: Bank & shopping with my mom. We might have to go check out the library/skating rink/tennis court building by the H20 centre. Mikael just told me today all the stuff in there! If the weather is good, go to the beach with the kids. Maybe pizza for dinner?
Friday: Connie is off so we'll spend time together. We might try for the City Park if the weather is nice. Diana & Mikael will make sushi for dinner - so we'll have a pseudo-party at Connie's house.
Saturday: Take my mom to brunch and get bunch of pretzels for the trip & to bring home. Hang out more with Connie & kids. Pack to go home. Indian restaurant for dinner.
Sunday: Leave at o'dark thirty and drive all day. If I get too tired, we'll spend the night somewhere, but I'll be trying for home.
Am I missing anything?
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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