We don't expect big fireworks shows around here. It's still legal to buy and light fireworks, which most people do. In the past, our neighbor across the street would buy $300 worth, and we'd just watch his (they were lit right in front of our house - why not?).
There was a "big" fireworks show at the fairgrounds that we never attended. We were a little spoiled by Disneyland, plus we didn't see a reason to have to drive & deal with a crowd.
Last year, the people putting on that show decided to stop doing it. They didn't really warn anyone - there just wasn't a fireworks show. People were a bit bummed because a lot of folks would attend the "big" show.
So this year, a little committee created itself to run the big fireworks show. Whoever the guy in charge was, he was good at getting donations. He got $20,000 for the fireworks show. They did it at the main park, rather than the fairgrounds, and there were concerts & all kinds of stuff available to do there.
We didn't go, mostly because that park is right next to the river, and Connor + river + crowd is not a safe idea. Trevor & Diana could have gone, if they'd thought to figure out how to get there & back, but they didn't even think about it. Maybe next year.
Instead, we got pizza for dinner, set off a few fireworks in front of the house, and then went to the three-story parking structure downtown about 15 minutes before the show was about to start.
It was pretty cool. It lasted a good half hour, which was pretty neat. Diana took pictures with her camera, and it was set for every three seconds. She has a lot of time-lapse type photos - about 350, I think. Connor enjoyed being at the top of the parking garage, and it took us all of 3 minutes to drive home after the show was over - no traffic. Just the way I like it :)
Happy Independence Day!
Thanks for being out there for us Renee - even if it *has* to be Hawaii right now :)