Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kiester Ranch March 2009

Yesterday we went to Kraig & Nancy's to visit. Diana was still recovering from the extractions, and Lee was working, so it was just the boys & me.
We all took turns riding Trinity, the very gentle 30-year old horse who is great for Connor & Trevor to learn horse riding skills on.
Trinity actually trotted a bit with me - he responds to the vocal tsk-tsk I do when I'm riding him pretty well.
This time around Nancy also took us over to the creek where the frogs are all coming out of hibernation - lots of croaking & ribbets.
Before heading back to the house, we also took a little hike to the Cougar Rocks on BLM land. Very nice.
Thanks again Kraig & Nancy!

1 comment:

keeka said...

I know my kids loved it too! Just tell Trev he should eat more, man, those ankles! Good times, good times!

Glad to see everyone is well!