Saturday, September 01, 2007

Matthew & Lisa

Our kids are lucky to have some long-time friends. Even when they're on vacation in Canada. They met Matthew & Lisa pretty soon after they had moved in next door to my folks' house. The first photo is when Diana is celebrating her 6th birthday, 11 years ago. My mom had a party for her and invited the neighbor kids to come as well. I think that's the trip they met each other.
Whenever we'd go up, the kids would check to see if Matthew & Lisa were home too, so they'd have some time together. We brought them with us to the beach or they would go to the park, but mostly they'd just hang out at my Mom's house. Actually, some visits I think T & D saw more of M & L than they saw their grandparents!

I very clearly recall Diana & Lisa huddling together under a blanket during a thunderstorm once. Matthew was patient with Trevor, trying to teach him croquet (Matthew still won). Lisa referred to Trevor as "that crazy boy." Matthew has always been more the quiet type. But he appreciates T & D's humor.

This time around I was happy they came over again after the birthday cake. Around 8:30 the doorbell rang, and they had brought their Wii remotes as well. The four of them hung out downstairs - Connor watched a little while & then went to bed, and I was upstairs with my mom watching TV. They finally headed back home at 11:00, and I think they all had fun. They also exchanged emails & such so they can keep touch better (we'll see how that goes).

I'm thinking next year, they might all decide to go hang out somewhere besides my folks' basement. I wouldn't call it dating though - it will be the four of them hanging out at a movie or DQ or something. If they even decide to do that ;)

Diana took the recent pictures. Matthew doesn't smile easy, and at least he's okay with being silly here :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kiss him diana!