Sunday, June 10, 2007

Trevor Graduates!

Today is Trevor's High School Graduation. Weather is a little iffy, we may have some rain sprinkles on us, but we only have 4 tickets in case of rain. So, we don't mind a little dampness - and at least we won't roast!

So far, my folks have come in from Canada, Lee's folks & sister Donna & Hubby are planning to join us, and Lee's niece, Marla hopes to come to the ceremony as well. We have other people planning to come to the little party afterward too. I'll post more on that when we see who makes it!

This week we got a letter from Trevor's Drafting teacher. He is thrilled Trevor is going on to attend Oregon Institute of Technology, and he is going to award Trevor with Honors in Computer Animation at the ceremony today. He has also told us he hopes to come to Trevor's graduation from OIT when that happens. The guy just really gets a kick out of Trevor.

Trevor's also been handing around his yearbook this last week at school. A lot of kids there have known each other since elementary school, so they start off with "These past 13 years with you..." hee. A lot of guys wrote in there, "Kiest! You're the man!" Trevor's been known for his humor & wit, even if he's not the most coordinated guy. Everyone liked him on their team for academics! The kid knows his stuff!

We are very proud of Trevor and are looking forward to seeing what he creates in the big, wide world. As his Jr. High science teacher said: "I'm expecting great things from Trevor. He's gonna surprise us all!"


- Rob said...

Well written accolades from an obviously proud mom. Congrats to Trevor and good job to the parents!

keeka said...

wow, who took that cool photo of trevor when he was younger? Oh wait that was me! Heehee. He seems to be doing an awesome job!
Congrats Trev on a wonderful beginning to a new experience!