Sunday, June 24, 2007

Off She Goes!!!

Whoops! After I fill out this luggage tag, I should probably sign my passport!!

We got up early this morning and headed up to Portland to drop Diana off at the airport.

She was a little nervous and teary when we said good-bye, but everything seemed to run smoothly. We watched her go thru the security checks & all. It looked like everything passed with her stuff.

This is her 2nd flight in as many days. Yesterday, all three kids got to go on a "Young Eagles" flight. Trevor & Diana had done it before, but not Connor. Up until he saw other kids getting out of the plane, he insisted he did NOT want to fly! Once he saw the kids with the big smiles disembarking, he asked if he could touch the plane. Lee said yes, and then Connor asked, "Get in the plane?" So Diana took his hand, and off he went! Yay!

Thank you Dr. Durst for the flight!

Here are the GAPP kids - ready to go! Everyone was on time, and everyone got thru security. We waved white hankies as they went off to their gate.

As I'm typing, they've been in the air for 4 hours. Diana should be bored by now. Or maybe they started the movie...

Hey- I just noticed Lee & Connor on the left of the photo - heh.

1 comment:

keeka said...

Our prayers are with you Diana!
Have a great superfantastic time!!