Saturday, February 23, 2008

Booth vs. "Made"

Apparently there's a show on MTV called "Made" which takes teens and *makes* them in to their dream thing...

This afternoon at 4:30, they will be at OUR high school taking applications and doing interviews for an episode. I guess it takes about a month to make people over.

I've never seen the show, but according to their website, they turn the geek into a rapper, the clutzy girl into a figure skater, etc.

Both Diana and Mary want to try out for this (why not?), but our first booth sale for GS cookies will be at Wal-Mart today from 4:00 to 6:00. Typically, we can sell up to 100 boxes per booth on the first weekend of sales (altho the forecast is for rain, and it's so stinkin' early in the year, I'm not all that hopeful). However, we do sign up for our booth slots on a lottery basis, and I can't just dump the first weekend sales. This is the best booth time I got - We'd be left with tons of unsold cookies!

So my compromise is that Mary should go to the tryouts for Made and try to be there early. Once she's done, she can trade places with Diana at the booth sale. That way both girls get to try out, and both will do their sales.

We'll lure Mary into the plan with Taco Bell...


keeka said...

well, good luck with that! You know of course they will make Diana into a girly girl. With lots of foof?
Or I guess they can try to make her into an air head.
You get the idea right? If they go for the opposite of the person.

Tina said...

Oh - she's asking to become a Manga Artist. She knows exactly the kinds of things she'd need to work on and they'd have to find her a pro artist to guide her through making a comic.

Then I suppose they'd publish it?

Mary wants to be able to play video games.

It's MTV. Who knows what they'll do...

flyingvan said...

Why don't they try to get made the world record GS cookie sellers?

keeka said...

hey there you go! Two birds with one stone and all that!

Tina said...

LOL - that would be a good one too...

Actually, part of what Diana wants to do for her Gold Award involves creating a comic book about Older Girl Scouting, since that's where they have the least amount of girl scouts.

If she were to be "made" into a Manga artist, it would fulfill part of the requirement as she needs to have a mentor to help her do her Gold :)

But yeah - that would be a better idea for Mary...

Too bad we only sell them for the two weeks.

Anonymous said...

the whole point is to be something your not...she is already a manga artist.....she should be a girly girl....i agree with me if they made it!!! love nae

Tina said...

Both got interviewed. Nae is right - it's not really *your* dream so much as it's what MTV wants to make the episode about, so they find the kid to fit. hehe

So they asked both Diana & Mary if they'd want to be Prom Queen. Between the two, Diana is the furthest away from being that, so we'll have to see.

It would probably be a huge disruption in the last four months of being a Senior in High School, huh? Even they chose Diana, she'd have to weigh the amount of time needed vs. her studies/job/volunteer activities & trying to get scholarship stuff done for college.

Then again, an episode on MTV all about her? AND she'd get all dolled up & stuff?

What to do.. what to do...