Yesterday was too full.
I worked my regular hours, but then took off 15 minutes early, because the afternoon was so crammed.
I got home and loaded the boys into the van. Trevor is doing the paper route now that Diana has her new job. On Wednesdays, there's an "Extra" paper for the people that don't subscribe - it has entertainment news & coupons for groceries. We drove the route as fast as we could.
We got back home, and I had a little time to iron Trevor's shirt, and we jumped back in the van & headed to Sears to do his Senior portraits. The photo for the yearbook was due today, so we had to get it done. We'd waited this long, because we wanted the braces off. The wait at Sears was more than I needed, especially with an antsy Connor, but there wasn't much I could do about that. It took until 5:35 to do the pictures & get a sheet printed to submit to the school.
Then we raced downtown to go and get Diana from her job. She had to wait at the Comic Book shop, since she'd actually stopped working at 5:00. When we got home at 5:50, there was a message that the lady warehousing the GS cookies was leaving at 6:00! So back I go into the van to race over to the Sleep Inn conference room. I got there just at 6:00, and now the back of the van is full of cookies.
Back home around 6:15, and Diana was making Connor pancakes for dinner. Then she made the hummus for us - I got to use the bathroom! Then Diana needed to get shoes for work before Payless closed, so we ran off to the mall and she got a couple of pairs that are comfortable but dressy enough for the job...
Finally back home again - ate some dinner and sat a bit. I rode my bike an hour, and then came over to help Trevor with his essay writing for the scholarship application (due today). He was still working on it when I went to bed at 10:30.
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
(Tried to comment last night but the word verification wasn't working).
I got tired just reading that entry. :) We miss you guys. A lot. But we understand why lol
what..huff huff, in...huff huff, the...huff huff, world..huff huff, were...huff huff, you..huff huff, thinking? You majorly need some down time. Of course you just had some while sick, but that isn't the same. Get a Josh Groban CD and listen to it in the bath...very relaxing!
Downtime... hmm.
I think that's coming at Spring Break at the end of the month? I only have to overhaul the yard then. Paving the whole thing over in concrete is sounding like a good plan right now.
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