Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Per Keeka's Request

On the post below, her comment referred to my dad's love of close ups of flowers.

These aren't as close as my dad's, but close enough for me.

These are violas I planted around tulip bulbs.

This doesn't want to die. We keep trying to kill it. It has roots like bamboo - it keeps coming up all over and we keep cutting it back & digging it up to no avail.

Double & regular jonquils or daffodils with grape hyacinth in my front walk planters.

I took these photos the same day as the post below. Isn't it funny how Keeka knew I would take them?

Once the tulips and gladiolas come up, I'll have some shots of those too.

And I took a "before" shot of Diana's bedroom window where the snowball flowers will be in a month or so too.

1 comment:

keeka said...

Now that is what I am talking about! Good Job, very purdy!
I think the tree is pretty, the pinkish flowers look lovely, why do you want to kill it? Does it take over the backyard or something? You are a good gardener, unlike your little sis who can barely maintain one planter. I will send photos when the seeds we planted grow into flowers in oh....never! Well, they may do something, who knows!