Sunday, March 04, 2007

Happy 9th Birthday Connor!

Yesterday Connor celebrated his 9th birthday.

He got a bit of an early start on Thursday, when his dad showed up just before school let out to pass out chocolate cupcakes. The class sang him Happy Birthday, and he was very pleased. The little girl who sits next to him gave him a knitted hat for a gift :)

On Friday, he asked to go to Fred Meyer (grocery & stuff store) to pick out a white cake. It had to be white - this one has lemon in it too. He was all ready to eat the cake as soon as we got home, but I explained his birthday was actually Saturday, and it was still Friday.
Saturday morning, Lee & I made him pancakes for breakfast (his request). Omi & Opa called and we let Connor answer the phone to hear them singing Happy Birthday to him. Then Diana & I had to do a Girl Scout Cookie booth sale for a couple of hours (sold 80 boxes!). When we got home, it was time for cake - so we put on the 9 candles, and sang and ate cake! Well, we all ate cake, Connor ate frosting, mostly.
It's interesting with a kiddo with autism when it comes to giving gifts. He pretty much has everything he wants. When Flushed Away came out on DVD, he had been counting the days, so we got it as soon as it was available (February 20). That meant he really didn't have any requests for his birthday. So, while Diana & I were at Wal-Mart after our booth sale, we went in and got a few things for Connor. He has several food items he really likes, so that's what he got: White Cheddar Cheese Nips, Smart Pop White Cheddar popcorn, Sour Cream & Onions Pringles (green chips - they are in the green can) and Decaf Diet Coke. He likes diet Coke because that's what his dad drinks. :) He was very happy with these gifts!
Then we all got our bathing suits & towels and went to the Y to go swimming. I thought I'd spend the whole time in the jacuzzi, but they now have a pretty warm salt water pool at the Y, so I managed to swim in the regular pool with the family (I get chilled easy in a cold pool). After swimming, Connor requested McDonald's park (it has the play place with tubes). We all got some snacks and Connor ran around in the tubes a while.
After we got home, I was tired, so I got to take a nap (yay!). Then Keeka & her family sang Connor Happy Birthday over the phone :) We asked Connor what he wanted to do for dinner. He wanted to go to IHOP. No one else in the family is all that fired up over our IHOP - service isn't usually great, and the food doesn't really impress me much, but that's what he wanted, so that's where we went! He had pancakes and french fries. I had a fish sandwich that was too greasy - I should have just done a two-egg breakfast. Oh well. Connor had a good time!
At home later, he got to play on the computer & xbox before it was time for bed. That's a good birthday for Connor!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He was smiling all day long. Sunday we went roller skating.