I think we've got it mostly covered.
Today is the Service Unit/Leader meeting. I will get the 'day of the show' info to anyone who still doesn't have it. That lets them know what time to show up, to bring lunch for their girls, etc.
I'm still missing two music CD's, so hopefully those leaders will get me the music tonight as well.
I should also get all the prizes that have been collected in hand, so I have them all in one place.
Tomorrow I'll drop off the music with the tech gal at the High School. She can tell me if we need to move any acts around on the program. Right after that, my girls will all be meeting with me at one of the girls' house, where they will finish off the PSA on how to behave in a theater. We can drop off the program to be printed on the way. Two of the girls will need to work on that, while the other two work on their script to be EmCees.
Wednesday I'll focus on matching prize choices for the judges. I have to give them a selection that goes with the amount of girls in the acts. The companies that give us the prizes decide how many they want to give us. Some are only 4 tickets (Ice Skating), while others give us enough for a large troop (a trip thru the Wildlife Park). Some are in the middle (movies, a shampoo & set at the Beauty College). So if the troop has 12 girls, they will need to select something from the middle group, vs. being able to win the Ice Skating.
I also need to do a little spreadsheet of choices of catagories for the troops to win under (best chereography, best costumes, best vocals). Most groups will qualify under a couple of choices, so the judges will have to decide which one actually had the best choreography, while the other had better costumes, etc. I'll have to give a set of instructions for the judges so I don't have to spend too much time with them on the day of the show, which is when we'll find out who actually came to judge for us! (I have some secondary choices if necessary).
I also need a couple of black shirts for Lee & the other dad for "Event Security" purposes.
Friday I think we'll do a sleepover at my house so the girls can finish their props up and practice their act. They can also help me bag the event patches, evaluations, and any coupons we get. At the show, leaders will fill out an evaluation of the event and then they get their patches & prize.
The last thing to do is set my schedule for the actual day. What happens when & where & how. I should have enough people to go around, and one great thing about girl scouts is you only have to say "I need help" and a bunch of people jump up.
After the show, we'll just need to fill in the event budget & read evaluations & make the DVD of the show. That should go pretty fast too. Then I won't have to think about this again until the Fall, and it all starts over again!
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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