Friday, May 26, 2006

Hardy, my @$$

I got a couple of nice plants from parents for doing the Talent Show. One was a clematis, which I planted outside along our chain link fence. Clematis like to climb and they have nice, purple flowers.

The other plant was a "hardy" cyclamen. I kill these poor plants every time. I either over or under water them. I should have just put it in the ground in a planter, but it probably would have died there too. *sigh*

I still don't know the rules on cyclamen. I know you're only supposed to water the roots of an African violet. I only give a little water to the aloe vera in the bathroom. Spider plants are great. I have a tough time killing those. But the cyclamen? Dang. It had really nice flowers & new buds coming up & everything.

Bulb plants are my favorites. You bury them outside in the fall, and in the spring, they pop up lovely daffodils, tulips and hyacinth. On the fruit plants, I have strawberries coming ripe now, and soon the blueberries will be ready. There are cherries on my little tree, but only one pear - I just found out I need another pear tree so they can cross-fertilize. Apparently there are not enough pear trees in close proximity. I have room, so it's not a big deal. The apples are coming in on the Gravenstein tree. Last year there were hardly any, so I expect a bumper crop this year. We ALWAYS have blackberries, and I just planted a grapevine, so we'll have to see how that does. Oh, and I put in a tomato plant all by itself. Last year I had 6, and they kind of went crazy. So just one this time.

My indoor plants suffer a lot worse than the outdoor ones. Next time someone gives me a cyclamen, it's going in the planter out front (with the calla lilies and peonies).


1 comment:

Tina said...

After Lee & I got married, we went to Vegas for a couple of days. I had a lot of relateives from Germany & stuff visiting, so we didn't want to be rude and be gone a long time.

Anyway, I bought a little cactus as a souvenier, figuring it's a cactus - that's gotta be hard to kill!!

Well, no. While I tried to be careful not to over water it, one day it just kind of tipped over. It had no roots or anything! This was not the case with the cactus I'd given my mom one year for Mother's Day. That thing took over a whole section of the backyard after she planted it in the ground - but before that, it was growing so well it outgrew the little pot I'd decorated.

My mom is good with plants. I have more of a black thumb, I guess. I like things you can just leave in water. Especially if you put a beta fish in there. That's a cool house plant.