Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Macy's fun

This isn't a photo from last night, but I did actually wear that jacket (with the suit dress it goes to).
This is my friend, Kathe, who got the tickets to do the Macy's Day of Caring yesterday with me. This is an event that benefits United Way and the agencies they support (for our tickets, the total goes to Girl Scouts).
We sampled wines & foods from local wineries & restaurants, had our little chair massages, and crossed our fingers for the door prizes. We're pretty sure that we are jinxing each other, because we never get called on any prizes - but we always stick it out to the end -just in case! Well, there are the $250 and $500 shopping sprees they give away, which would be worth it to know...
The attendence looked like it was down this year. Not as many vendors either, really. The prices are sale-on-sale, but I was good & didn't charge anything this time around. I only saw stuff for me anyway, and last year I saw more for Diana. It's still fun to look, and Kathe got herself a cute jacket & top.
Thanks Kathe for letting me join you again - maybe next year we'll be lucky with the door prizes!

1 comment:

keeka said...

Hey I was actually lucky at our Teacher Appreciation Luncheon this year! We each got 10 slips of paper with our name on them and I put my name in for numerous prizes including a certificate for $25.00 at a skin care place. And I got it! I actually used it today! Got my eyebrows done! wOOT!