Sunday, April 01, 2007

A visit to the Ranch

Lee needed to do some computer work for Jim at his shop, so we dropped him off & then headed over to Kraig & Nancy's place to visit.

Nancy had let me know that one of the main reasons she even keeps Trinity, the white horse, is for the kids to ride. He's older, and prefers to walk slowly. He's perfect for new riders or smaller kids.

He's even safe enough to let Connor lead with someone else riding.

This time Diana was allowed to take Tia, the brown horse, out of the corral & arena areas and let her ride around the stables. Tia was nursing a hurt knee, so Diana was going nice and slow with her. Maybe next time when she's better, Nancy can lead Diana out along some trails further from the stables.
We got to go riding twice this visit. First in the morning before lunch, and then after lunch when Lee was with us.

Trevor had miscalculated how long it would take him to do his project for science, so he stayed at home and worked on that all day while we were gone. He learned doing research takes a lot longer than writing the paper.

Thanks Kraig & Nancy for a fun day!

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