Monday, October 16, 2006

Gotta get ready

So Diana's going to the Homecoming Dance this weekend because all the German & American partners are going. This is not something she would choose to do, normally. It's just not her thing. This is the girl who shops in the boy's department because she prefers cargo pants over skinny jeans (you can hold a lot more pencils & erasers for art!).

However, a couple of years ago, we went to Eugene to visit a mom & daughter that were living there. We all went shoppign together, and while we were in Ross, both girls decided they wanted to try on formal dresses. Diana found a very nice strapless gown in black & white, with contrasting embroidery. She actually liked the dress well enough to ask me to buy it. At the time, she was a freshman in High School, and I didn't think it would be a great idea to buy a $50 dress to hang in the closet for years. And you know what? She didn't need it anyway - she didn't want to go to the big dances, and she didn't want a boyfriend.

Fast forward to September. We found out ALL the German & American partners are supposed to attend this Homecoming. And really, if you're going to go to a big dance like that, it's certainly a lot more fun with a bunch of friends than going with a guy you barely know anyway. If you're already in a couple, it's a bit different, but she's not, so this is cool. She now regrets that she didn't get that black & white dress at Ross, though.

Moving on, we had a sleepover with our girl scout friends. Mary, who is IN to all the big dances, has scads of dresses. She brings some along for Diana & Leonie to try out. In the bunch is the black & white dress Diana wanted 2 years ago. It found her. Guess what she's wearing to the Homecoming? Leonie also found a nice dress.

Today, a guy came up to Leonie and handed her a note from his friend. The friend asks Leonie in the note if she'll go with him to Homecoming. He writes she is "varry pritty" in his penciled note.

Actually, going as a couple is discouraged. The German & American students are supposed to hang out together - not pair off with dates. So Leonie already didn't think she was supposed to go with anyone. But Lee & I also told her it was not a big loss. First off, the guy doesn't have the guts to ask her face to face. She doesn't even know who he is! And the creative spelling isn't helping either.

But doesn't Diana look cute in make up?


keeka said...

good golly, she looks just like you tean bean!
Wow, how time flies huh?
But yes, cute!

Anonymous said...

i told you it would be worth all the torcher of her complaining to to her hair and makeup :) wait was that photo fromthe sleepover? anywho love ya nae