Friday, April 23, 2010

48 & Feeling Great!

Well, great enough. I am making an appointment to see an acupuncturist for my shoulder...

But other than that - yeah!
Anyway, with a birthday in the Spring & having really nice weather, last weekend after all that yardwork, I had a couple of things I wanted to do in the yard. One was to take out the dead plum tree (after two years, it's not coming back) and replace it with a little pine tree that has been pining away in a planter (ha!). I also wanted to plant either a hydrangea or a rhododendron - both grow really well in our climate. I wasn't sure which one.

After church on Sunday, Lee & I went to Lowe's and found the rhodies & hydrangeas right next to each other. Turns out I could get both plants for about $20, so that's what we did. We put the rhody in to grow & hide the concrete walkway, and the hydrangea should grow to offer some privacy in the backyard. That's the plan, anyway.

My actual birthday fell on a Thursday. I got a call from my mom first thing in the morning to wish me a Happy Birthday. Right after I hung up, the phone rang again & someone & their kids were singing Happy Birthday to me! After they were done, the woman says, "Do you know who this is?" I said, "No - you guys sounded great, and my family always puts a cha-cha-cha in between verses!" It was AnnaMarie Vandewalle with McKenna, Lauren & Patrick :D That was just really sweet :) Then I got on my computer, and I had about SEVENTY birthday wishes from different friends & family! WoW!!!

Thursday is also a weigh-in day, and I tend to be super-strict with my food, especially since I'd been inching up on the scale lately. The teacher I'm working with gets this, and so she brought me a big bouquet of daisies, instead of taking me out after work, which would have been her plan :) So I stayed 'safe' calorie-wise all day :)

After work, Connor had his Special Olympics track practice. I baked my carrot cake & set it out to cool. Then I picked up Lee & we headed to the college track. Trevor met us there. He had a mug for me that says "I'm on my way to a MEETING to discuss what we MET about at our last MEETING." Apparently, I go to a lot of meetings (between Girl Scouts, TOPS, Bible Study and work - I guess I do!).

Right after the practice, Lee & I went to TOPS. I won the pledge contest (chances were good - besides me, there was only Lee & one other person who made their pledges!). Then I was on for the educational program as well. I talked about "Diet Traps." I guess most of the members in the group thought they fell into most of the traps - oops!

After that, Lee & I went to Red Robin for a nice dinner. I had a good salmon burger :)

When we got home, I made my cream cheese frosting for my cake. I didn't eat any because I was still full from dinner - I started my day with it today though :P I put in pineapple, extra carrots & coconut - YUMMY!!!

Connie called me in the evening & we had a nice chat. I'm really looking forward to getting up to Canada in June! Yay!!

At school today, I brought cake to share too. We did a little field trip with a picnic & some geocaching. At the second cache there's a feed store & they had little bunnies, so we had to hold those too. And I got myself a birthday present with a nice gardening hat :)

Tomorrow we'll go to the Wildflower Show in Glide. Lee wants to run in the 10K, and they are doing a fundraiser for the high school there where you drive new Ford vehicles & then fill out a survey - it's free for us to drive :) Sunday we'll go to Eugene & visit with Diana.

So... I guess we'll see what this year brings!


keeka said...

Hope you saw my birthday greeting on my blog and part of Lee's!

I am sorry I didn't call, but that was a busy day and we ended up having the kids go to swimming even though it was raining!

I am glad you did a lot of stuff that you enjoyed! You look great!
And did you get my snailmail card?

Tina said...

Yes - I got the card, thanks!!

Don't worry about calling - I was on the phone a lot for me already & we were out a lot too.

I appreciate the post on your blog ;)

Love you!!