Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day 2009

Lee & I, Trevor & Connor are all off work/school today. Diana is not. Seems the University of Oregon doesn't think this is a worthy holiday. She'll have MLK off tho :P

The four of us at home in town went for a nice walk downtown to enjoy our Veteran's Day Parade. It started a little after 11:00 and lasted until a little after noon. We had a lot of vets in the parade, and a lot on the sidelines as well. I liked how the folks marching would shake hands with the vets lining the streets. There were plenty of Boy & Girl Scouts, and lots of other groups that marched to show support. There were two full high school bands as well. All this with a 90% chance of rain today - well it came, just before & after the actual parade - we were dry for the whole two hours in to town & back home :) yay!

We have a new big hook & ladder to go in our new Fire Station, and all the emergency vehicles used their sirens. People on the 'floats' threw candy, and Connor pretty much kept his ears covered the whole time :) He still managed to get candy tho.

Our dog, Liberty, came with us, but the sirens proved too scary for her, so when the owner of the quilt shop next to us invited Lee & Liberty in, that's where they spent a lot of the parade. The lady in there thought Liberty was just such a great dog! :)

It was interesting for me watching from the sidewalk after all the years marching in the parade with the scouts. I saw a lot of people I know doing different things, from the dog trainers for the blind, to Altrusa, to Relay for Life. I have a lot of volunteering friends :)

So - good walk, good parade, good time. We're glad we went!


keeka said...

The kids and I were off school too and had a really nice breakfast at our local coffee shop, Kimmie's Coffee Cup. They make a really good omlet and the kids enjoyed the choc chip and pumpkin pancakes.
Then we came home, cleaned house a bit and then Kaleigh had her friend over and her mom and sister.
They just left shortly after 5pm so it was a nice relaxing day! So Happy Veteran's Day to you too!
Oh, in Kimmies, there were quite a few older gentlemen that seemed to enjoy the place and the peaceful atmosphere! Most likely all Vets!

Renee' B. said...

wow...i called my parents and it is weird knowing i was in the parade so many years and for several things...and just to think they are walking for weird