Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Diana & Trevor at Kumiricon

Some dead bunny thing & Diana as Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist
I'm guessing this is a friend of Sonic the Hedgehog?  or maybe an evolution of Sonic?
Trevor just wore goggles from a Halloween store and my dad's old leather jacket.  NEXT year tho...

So the kids went to Kumiricon on Saturday night, as soon as we got back from Amanda's wedding.  Diana had worked long & hard on her costume.  The hair is a wig she cut & styled, the jacket she sewed herself, the belt she altered & sewed, and the boots were Connor's snowboots last year (they are too small now).  Diana also made the little clasp for her neck with Sculpy and then spraypainted it silver.  She was missing the red coat the character wears, which she'd ordered to be made online.  It wasn't any good, though.  She would have done better making her own.

They got back to Eugene by 6:00 last night, and I got them & brought them home after getting Taco Bell.  Then they slept until 2:00 PM today...

Trevor is thinking he really needs to get a job so he can go again next year.  That's a good thing :)


keeka said...

Great Costume, Diana! Trevor you remind me of the guy in Treasure Planet, or maybe some other adventure movie. So still looking good! Glad they had a good time!

Ok, the pink thing was just creepy.

Tina said...

Hmmm. Word verification has been hacked, apparently...

I probably wouldn't be advertising my product via hacking though. :/