Sunday, February 11, 2007

Got Her!

Today Diana & I went down to visit family and we found the geocache with the Girl Scout Travel Bug! Yay! The little doll was made by another girl scout troop in Florida, and their troop will be heading to Switzerland to a Girl Scout World Center - they made 3 different dolls they are tracking in hopes of finding them in geocaches in Switzerland.

We know another (real life) girl scout who will be heading next month to the Girl Scout World Center in London. She has offered to take Cecelia (the travel bug) along for a free ride in her luggage. So we'll help her cross over the States & Atlantic and hopefully eventually to Switzerland.

But first, we'll be celebrating Girl Scout Thinking Day on February 22nd. There should be at least 100 girls in attendence, and we'll try to see if we can have them sign a card (at least troop #'s) to attach to Cecelia. That way, when she meets up with her own troop again, they'll see she got to meet other girl scouts along the way.



- Rob said...

Wow, that will be really cool. Glad the geocaching thing is working out!

Don't forget to research some caches near where the girl will be in London. The hardest part with larger items is finding a cache big enough to hold it! The term "Travel Bug Hotel" seems to be a good hint of a larger sized cache.

Tina said...

If there isn't already a cache near Pax Lodge, this girl might want to create one. I hadn't heard of a Travel Bug hotel yet, so thanks for that little clue!

My girls want to create a travel bug as well. I think we're going to go the Shrinky-Dink route. The girls will do a self-portait and we'll put them on a key chain. That should be a little easier to place, vs. needing a good-sized cache.

I'll post on the geocaching event that will be happening here whenever that occurs. I think the lady running it wants to have troops all create caches... I like this.