I can't even remember the last time I had to take 3 consecutive days off from work. Dang!
This was a weird flu - I caught it from Connor, who started with a fever on the 16th, and progressed to nausea & vomiting. He still has some congestion & coughing a week later.
I started with the fever on the 21st, but I had loss of appetite, and it didn't go to the nausea part (hooray?). The fever came & went though, with a lot of achiness and sleeplessness. So NyQuil was definitely needed. I spent 3 days in bed, and didn't get a lot of anything done, which always irks me.
Saturday Lee's folks came over to install the neat cupboard Pop made out of the leftover wood from the old cupboard in the old bathroom (sorry-confusing if you'd never seen it). We put in the new cupboard where the entrance to the hallway used to be (still confusing..). No one would know there was ever a hallway there now, between the cupboard on one side, and a shower on the other :)
Mom & Pop had gotten their flu shots so they said they were fine with coming into our fluish home. Trevor caught the flu on the 22nd with the fever, but it went away, so we sent him to school on the 23rd. Then I had to go pick him up early from school and we both slept the rest of the day. Ugh.
Anyway - I was back to work today. As I said, Connor still has some congestion & coughing, I just have a little coughing (not the chest ones that hurt anymore), and Trevor is almost over his congestion & coughing too. Lee & Diana stayed away from us, so hopefully they are not going to get it!
I'll blog some more interesting stuff than this soon.
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago