I awoke to a rooster crowing pretty early, but it was warm and snuggly in the sleeping bag, so I just dozed a while. Connor made some noises off on his end of the trailer - all happy sounds. He was really loving the whole experience :)
Lee had talked with his dad the night before about helping him get a new printer at Costco in the morning, and Pop had invited us to breakfast. So I kept on the warm clothes & started packing up. Nothing was damp this time, because I'd left a little vent open above Lee & my sleeping space, and outside, everything just stayed dry (how nice!). So I just started folding up things & packing stuff up. Lee came out to help me & Connor came out to explore the morning. Diana stayed "asleep" until I told her I needed her sleeping bag. :)
After Lee got most of the stuff packed we did the best cleaning we could of the trailer. I had brought plenty of paper towels & 409 :) Diana saw Nancy at the barn when she went to dump the trash, and then we drove over there & we gave her the stuff we'd borrowed & said thanks & good-bye. Nancy still wasn't feeling great, so we kind of had to keep our distance.
We headed out to Central Point to Pop's place and while he & Lee went shopping, Diana & I took much-needed showers (yay!). I should have stopped at a coffee place on the way there, though. I was really ready for the coffee once we got to the restaurant hours later! Lee & Pop got the printer installed & all, and eventually we headed back home.
Connor had a violin lesson at 4:00, so we really just had time to give Connor a bath & change of clothes before we went to do that. Everything is pretty much put away now, and we have the photos & memories of our adventure.
Connor's next request - Tent camping by a stream & go fishing. (Fishing? He won't eat the fish!). I think we can pull this off sometime over the summer :) But I'll need a camp mattress...or a cot!
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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