Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy Halloween, part deux

After going to the Neewollah Parade downtown (Halloween spelled backwards), Connor was pretty much done with the trick or treat thing. It might have something to do with the temperature being 38 degrees after the sun went down.

So after we got home again & ate some spaghetti for dinner, Trevor & Diana changed into much warmer clothes. Then they went out to really trick or treat. They had to go to most of Diana's route customers, and then through a newer housing tract near where Christy lives.

People were either giving out handfuls of candy because they didn't expect anyone to actually come to their house (but had candy just in case) or it was getting late & they wanted to get ride of their candy.

For round two, Diana was Puss in Boots, and Trevor was an elf - what else can you be with green hair?

We handed out full-size candy bars this year. They were on sale, and we only had 6 kids come to the door anyway, so what the heck? Lee figured if they took the time to come all the way up our hill, they deserved something more than a tiny Snickers bar.

It was good our kids used pillow cases. They came home with a LOT of candy. Yay!


keeka said...

wow, sounds like a good haul! Way to go Kiester kids!

Anonymous said...

yeah thats the way it was and i was one of those 6 kids to show up and it was worth it... i LOVED the 3 bars i got and it was all chocolate...oh yeah LD mmmm delicioso...wait you speak german huh? how do you say it since i dont speak freaky deaky german("dutch") my finger hurts Tina....