Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Poison Oak vs. Oak

We have both growing in the backyard. Connor is probably immune by now, simply because he runs out there everywhere, and hasn't shown any signs of a rash. Most of the time he's barefoot & in shorts.

This was one of those things I had to get really familiar with when we moved here. Poison oak is everywhere. Along trails, in fields, backyards, etc. Pretty much everywhere you go. It's very good to know the difference between one and the other.

For one thing, poison oak leaves are generally shiny. That's the nasty oil that causes the itch. Regular oak leaves aren't shiny at all. You have to use special oil-stripping soap to get the oil off your skin, and off your clothes. Dish soap works in a pinch, since that strips oils pretty well also.

Poison oak also grows in groups of three leaves (leaves of three, let them be). The leaves are often mitten-shaped. Poison oak has red shades as well, on leaves and stems. And when they have fruit, they are little white berries.

So, can you distinguish between one and the other? Can you even see the poison oak in the picture? The regular oak? If you can't, take a guide when you go on Oregon trails!


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